DAY 21 Saturday morning like usually I am wake up earlier than make prepare for final demonstration on Monday. I must to prepare my lesson plan, than materials I am use to teach, power point and video. I am very worries today because at afternoon my students will be go to my dormitory to playing in seashore. So I must to do finish over all I need. Suddenly, around 8.30 a.m. students in grade 6 there are Ulya students coming to my dormitory to meet her. I just say hello and continue my task again, but Ulya accompany her students. Yesterday I am already buy paper colors, so I just need to cut all of paper. My topic is Constellations of Stars, so I am make many stars from paper and activity form for my students. My material I am use are some split stars than look like constellations than I will put in blackboard. After that students will be connecting and make constellations. I am also make video to make easy comprehension of my students and power point there are explained about ...
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DAY 9 I am still waiting the driver from Bongabong campus to fetching me and Ulya. Every morning we cook sardines to breakfast. In Philippine all of food is not same with my feel because in this place have not spicy food. So we make very spicy food to eat together. After we eat than we just stay in bedroom and make lesson plan science. Because tomorrow I must to be teach our students in the elementary school. I think nervous and shy. Actually in Indonesia I usually teach all of student with confidence. Maybe I am to be nervous because this is the first time I will teach student in different country and language. At 14.00 p.m. the driver coming than we go to Victoria first to fetching all of teacher from Bongabong. In there they was meeting with teacher in Victoria campus. I am very happy because I can meet again with 7 my friends in there. We talking about lesson plan what should we do when we will teacher. After 10 minute we go to Bongabong together with all of teacher. The r...
Good girl